An innovative and passionate startup

Ploovium is created by Soonapse, innovative startup with offices in Rome and Cagliari, with many research projects carried out, both national and European, and a longtime association with that forge of international collaborative experimentation that is Open Source.

Thanks also to the contribution of Sardegna Ricerche and POR FESR 2014-2020, Soonapse has completed the design and research work  (initially called SWAP and then Ploovium) that has led Soonapse to receive important awards, including  the coveted prize of “best Italian Smart Agriculture Project” of  ForumPA 2017″.

Folowing, the Soonapse team members who are directly involved in Ploovium project.

Marco Ciarletti

The creator and engine of Ploovium, as well as CEO of Soonapse, ICT professional with over 25 years of experience,
business developer, project manager, business analyst, and also founder ofRIOS – Italian Open Source Network.

Cosmo Pepe

The marketing man, co-founder of Soonapse, after many years spent in the ICT in Italy and abroad, he still thinks that innovation ir right when it’s within everyone’s reach.

Alessandro Cacciotti

The engineer of the group, the technologist, the one who solves (or creates) every problem related to technology. He takes part in the software design choices and in the development of the application.

Ester Raccimolo

The agronomic expert of the team, she applies her scientific knoledge to discover the secret harmony of the plant world and put it at the service of Ploovium.

Matteo Causio

The machine learning man, mathematician, creator and trainer of the models.
He takes care of the IoT data processing through machine learning techniques.

by Soonapse

Via Salaria 292 – 00199 Roma

Sede locale di Cagliari:
presso Open Campus – Località Sa Illetta
S.S. 195 KM 2.300- 09122 Cagliari


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